职场英文口语 第187期:解除混乱(2)(在线收听

   Everything OK Tom? 一切顺利吗,汤姆?

  Oh yeah, everything's cool. 一切顺利。
  Actually Denise, it's not. 丹尼斯,其实不是这样。
  I think we're all going to be sacked tomorrow by Mr Socrates. 我认为我们明天都会被苏格拉底先生解雇。
  What? ! No! 什么?不!
  I've got a hairdresser's appointment on Saturday, how am I going to pay for it now? 我周六约了理发师,我该怎么付钱啊?
  What am I going to do? 我该怎么办?
  I know, I'll call Marge. 我知道了,我给玛吉打电话。
  Hey Brian, Pete… we're all going to be sacked tomorrow. 布莱恩,皮特……我们明天都要被解雇了。
  Erm… Anna, you've got a problem brewing.What? 安娜,你马上要有大问题了。什么?
  Tom's spreading rumours about job cuts. 汤姆正在散布裁员的谣言呢。
  Everyone's starting to panic. 大家都开始恐慌了。
  Oh no! I'd better do something but what shall I say? 不!我最好做点什么,但我该说什么呢?
  Call a meeting quickly. 马上召开会议。
  Tell the team 'there are some rumours going around that are not true'. 告诉团队说,现在散播的谣言是造谣。
  Say, 'I am trying to establish the facts and I will let you know as soon as I have some information'. 我正在证明事实,一旦有了消息我会马上告诉你们。
  You could say 'I would be grateful if you hear any rumours, not to pass them on'. 你可以说“如果听到任何谣言,不传谣会让我感到欣慰。”
  This can be a tricky situation and you need to handle it well. 这会是一个棘手的情况,你要小心处理。
  Good luck! 好运!
  Gosh. This is hard but here goes. 天啊,这太难了,但是必须要做。