绿箭侠第一季 第308期:选择目标(在线收听

   You know, chewing might help.  多嚼一下比较好。

  Not dainty enough for you?   狼吞虎咽不好吗?
  I could eat you under the table, Roy Harper. Don't forget that. 不要忘了,我可以偷偷把你吃了,罗伊·哈勃。
  All units, code 10-80. Starling City port, 10-80...  全体人员,编码10-80,斯特林市港口,10-80
  What is that? Suspected vigilante activity, requesting all available units.  什么声音?发现疑似治安维持者,呼叫所有待命人员。
  Do you have a police radio in your pocket?  你口袋里有警方的对讲机吗
  No, I'm just happy to see you. Got to run. 没有,很高兴见到你,我得走了。
  I think you've got something that belongs to me.  我想你拿了我的东西
  You set this up, just to get your radio back?  你设下这个局,只是为了拿回对讲机吗
  Well... I do love that radio. Come on. 对,我很喜欢那个对讲机。快点。
  I'm uploading a satellite overview of the Plaza to your phone...  我把广场的卫星俯视图发到你手机上了
  Thanks, but I know the place...  多谢,但是我很熟悉那个地方
  Dig was pretty specific about where you should perch... 狄格对你该藏的位置很上心
  you know, what position gives you the best shot at Lawton. I think. 你知道的,那样能给罗通致命一击。我是这么认为的。
  He used a lot of military jargon.  他说了很多军事术语
  So you're sniping a sniper. Kind of ironic, don't you think? 你要反狙击。听上去有点讽刺,是吧?
  Me neither. What's that? 我也不觉得。这是什么?
  I had a remote access trojan scouring the Internet for Edward Rasmus.  我用远程木马在网上查找爱德华·拉斯马斯
  His name just popped up on a flight manifest, 8:15 to Shanghai...  他的名字突然出现在航空公司名单上,8:15的飞机去上海。
  He's running. That's good, right? 他想逃跑。很好,不是吗
  If he's leaving town, he won't be after Laurel and the child anymore.  如果他跑了,就不会再追杀劳瑞尔和那孩子。
  But if you did want to stop him, looks like it's now or never.  不过你要是想彻底阻止他,现在是最后的机会了。
  Deadshot or Rasmus... Your choice.  死亡射手还是拉斯马斯...你自己选。