绿箭侠第一季 第310期:关于选择的争吵(在线收听

   What happened?  发生什么了

  You didn't show, things didn't go well.  你没有出现,事情进展不是很顺利
  Rasmus was skipping town... And I had to reprioritize. 拉斯马斯要逃跑,我得权衡重要性
  Thanks to your new priorities four agents are dead, Oliver.  因为你的权衡,4名警员死了,奥利弗。
  You could have stopped this guy, ended this maniac once and for all.  你本可以阻止他,杀了这个疯子
  Lawton got away? 罗通逃了吗
  You seriously think a man who goes by the name "Deadshot" was going down without a fight? I needed you there, man. 你真的认为被称为"死亡射手"的人,会乖乖束手就擒吗?我当时需要你,伙计
  Taylor Moore was relying on me, Diggle. 泰勒·摩尔需要我,狄格。
  But this was never about that kid, he is safe under armed security at your house.  这跟那个孩子无关,他在戒备森严的房子里很安全。
  This is about Laurel.  这是为了劳瑞尔。
  Diggle, I made a choice. 狄格,我必须做个选择。
  I know. You chose Laurel. Always her. Everybody else be damned. 我知道。你选了劳瑞尔。总是她。其他人都该死。
  Something to say, Felicity?  有什么想说的,费莉希蒂?
  Nothing you want to hear.  没有你想听的。