绿箭侠第一季 第311期:拉斯马斯被捕(在线收听

   You looked so beautiful that night.  那天晚上你太漂亮了

  I remember Oliver telling me once that he wished your father would let him come over to your house more often.  我记得奥利弗告诉过我,他希望你父亲能够允许他多拜访你们家。
  That being there made him feel less like Robert Queen's son and more like himself.  在那里他更能找到自我,而不是罗伯特·奎恩的儿子
  I liked who my son was when he was around you. Thank you.  我喜欢看到在你身边的他。谢谢。
  Hey. The police just called. Edward Rasmus was arrested. 警方刚刚来电。爱德华·拉斯马斯已经被捕。
  Really? What happened?  真的吗,发生什么了
  Apparently he confessed to everything.  显然他承认了一切
  He's going to go to prison for a long time and won't be able to hurt anyone ever again.  他会在狱中呆很久,再也不能伤害任何人。
  Why would he confess?  他为什么会认罪呢
  The vigilante was involved. Good for him. 治安维持者出现了。很好。
  So, I guess it's over. Yes...Yeah.  我想事情结束了。应该是吧....
  Great, I'll go wake up Taylor...  太好了,我去把泰勒叫醒
  No, Tommy, please. He's sleeping, he's been through a lot. 别,汤米,他在睡觉,这几天他经历了太多。
  Now you all are welcome to stay. We certainly have enough room. It's your call. 很欢迎你们都住下。我们绝对有足够的房间。听你的。
  Thank you, Mrs. Queen. I guess we'll stay, then. Good. 多谢,奎恩夫人。我想那我们就住下吧。好的。