职场英文口语 第188期:解除混乱(3)(在线收听

   Excuse me, could everyone gather round please. 打扰一下,请大家来一下好吗。

  Is this about the sackings? 是关于解雇的事情吗?
  No Denise. 不,丹尼斯。
  Any rumours about sackings are not true. 任何关于裁员的消息都是假的。
  Yeah that's right. Who told you that Denise? 是的,没错。谁跟你说的,丹尼斯?
  Please don't listen to rumours. 请别听信谣言。
  I am trying to establish the facts and if I get any information I will let you know straight away. 我正在证明事实,一旦有了消息我会马上告诉你们。
  But I heard Mr. Socrates is coming tomorrow, surely he's going to sack us. 但我听说苏格拉底先生明天要来,他肯定是来解雇我们的。
  Ignore the rumours and please don't pass them on. 忽略这些谣言吧,请别传谣。
  Anna. Tell them to carry on with their work as normal.Right, yes. 安娜。告诉他们继续像往常一样工作。好的。
  Could you please just carry on with your work as normal.Thank you. 你们可以继续像往常一样工作。谢谢。
  So Anna, how are you going to find out the facts? 那么安娜,你要怎么查出事实呢?
  I'm going to have to call Paul – in private Tom – I don't want any more rumours getting out. 我要私下给保罗打电话,汤姆,我不想再散布出谣言了。
  Oh yeah, absolutely. 是的,当然。
  You need to establish the facts right? 你要核查事实,对吗?
  Hello, Paul speaking. 你好,我是保罗。