职场英文口语 第189期:解除混乱(4)(在线收听

 Oh hi Paul. It's Anna. 你好,保罗,我是安娜。

Sorry to bother you. Are you feeling better? 抱歉打扰你了,你好点了吗?
Much better thanks but keeping clear of biscuits for a while! 好多了,谢谢,但是这阵子不能吃饼干了。
Anyway, is everything OK? 总之,一些都好吗?
Not exactly. 不太好。
There are rumours spreading about job cuts. 外面在传裁员的消息。
Tom saw a note in your diary for tomorrow that said 'Socrates, IPC'. 汤姆看到你明天的日志上写着“苏格拉底,IPC”
Hmm. Really? 真的吗?
Oh yes. I mean, oh no! 是的,我是说,不!
It's not job cuts – it's IPC - the International Plastics Conference tomorrow! 不是裁员,IPC是国际塑料会议,就在明天!
And Mr. Socrates is flying in for it. 苏格拉底先生也为此飞过来。
Oh golly gosh, I'd forgotten about that. 天啊,我忘了。
I see. And why did you right final? 我懂了,但你为什么写着“最终”?
Because there's an award being given for the Best Plastic Innovation – and we're in the final with our Imperial Lemon. 因为大会颁出最佳塑料创新奖,而我们的皇家柠檬进了决赛。
It was a reminder to me to write an acceptance speech. 这是为了提醒我写一份获奖感言。
Oh golly gosh, I haven't written a thing. 天啊,我还没动笔呢。
Oh dear. What are we going to do? 上帝,我们该怎么办?
What are you going to do indeed? 你确实该怎么做呢?
But thank goodness those rumours of job cuts are not true. 但感谢上帝,那些裁员的谣言不是真的。
Tomorrow could actually be a good day for Tip Top Trading. 明天对Tip Top Trading来说是好的一天。
Here's a reminder of the phrases Anna used to try and control the spread of some office rumours. 这些是安娜用于控制散布办公室谣言的表达方式。