职场英文口语 第190期:解除混乱(5)(在线收听

   There are some rumours going around that are not true. 现在散播的谣言是造谣。

  Please don't listen to rumours. 请别听信谣言。
  I am trying to establish the facts and if I get any information I will let you know straight away. 我正在证明事实,一旦有了消息我会马上告诉你们。
  Ignore the rumours and please don't pass them on. 忽略这些谣言吧,请别传谣。
  Please just carry on with your work as normal. Thank you. 请继续像往常一样工作。谢谢。
  Tomorrow is going to be an important day at the International Plastics Conference. 明天的国际塑料大会是重要的一天。
  Mr. Socrates will be there and Tip Top Trading could pick up a prestigious prize but who's going to write the acceptance speech? 苏格拉底先生会来,Tip Top Trading可能会领取大奖,但谁来写获奖感言呢?
  OK Anna, this calls for some urgent action. 好的,安娜,这要采取紧急行动了。
  I want you and Tom to meet me at the Princess Diana Conference Centre tomorrow at 9.00. 我想让你和汤姆明天九点在黛安娜王妃会议中心见我。
  Right. And what about the speech? 好的,那么演讲呢?
  Well, I've got quite a lot on my plate so I was wondering if you could give it a go… please? 我已经忙不过来了,所以我想知道你是不是可以试试呢,拜托了?
  Me? ! I've never done it before. 我?我从来没做过。
  What am I going to say? ! 我要说什么?
  Don't worry Anna. We're here to help. 别担心,安娜,我们会帮你。
  Join us again soon for some more English at Work. Bye! 加入我们期待更多的“职场英语”节目,再见。