职场英文口语 第191期:建立关系网(1)(在线收听

   Welcome back to English at Work. 欢迎回到《职场英语》。

  It's the big day of the International Plastics Conference and a good opportunity for the staff at Tip Top Trading to promote its business. 这是国际塑料会议的大日子,也是Tip Top Trading员工推广业务的好机会。
  But hold on, who's this? It's Mr Socrates, the big boss from America. 但等等,这是谁?这是苏格拉底先生,从美国来的大老板。
  Hey, you guys, where have you been? Ah, Mr Socrates… nice to see you again. 嘿,你们去哪了?苏格拉底先生,再次见到你很高兴。
  I'd heard you were in town. Hello Mr Socrates. I've been looking for you everywhere. 我听说你在镇上。你好,苏格拉底先生。我一直在到处找你。
  I need to catch up with you and see how business is going. Oh very, very well. 我得和你聊聊,看看生意进展的怎样。很好。
  We're selling Imperial Lemons to France and Anna is developing plastic vegetables. 我们把皇家柠檬卖给了法国公司,而且安娜正在研发塑料蔬菜。
  Ah Anna! My favourite girl. Still doing a good job? I'm doing my best. 安娜,我最喜欢的女孩。仍然干得不错吗?我尽力。
  In fact she's been doing my job for a few days… had a bit of a biscuit accident… 事实上,她担任了几天我的工作,我出了点饼干意外……
  Yeah, well that's not hard for you, Paul. 是啊,这对你来说很正常,保罗。
  Listen, listen I need to talk you - shouldn't the others be doing some networking now? 听着,我有事找你,其他人现在去搞一下联谊怎么样?
  Of course, that's why we're here. 当然,我们就是为这个来的。