美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-07-14(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1.  The day on the Capitol Hill,  Christopher Wray told senators his loyalty is to the constitution. He pledged strict independent as the incoming FBI director. Wray said he had not made loyalty to president Donald Trump. 

2. President Donald Trump released a tweet this morning, comon Donald Trump Jr. interview last night with Sean Hannity of Fox News. He said his son was open, transparent and innocent about the meeting with Russian lawyer. The president leaves this evening for Bastille day celebration in France. 

3. Federal reserve chair Janet Yellen spared with house republicans on the issue of audits for the central bank. Republicans are pushing for Yellen to have the government accounting office is examining the fed's monetary policy. Yellen pushed back, saying "Any change could complicate the fed's political independence". 

4. And in antarctica, a vast iceberg has broken off from a key floating ice shelf. The new chunk weighs more than 1 trillion tons and if smelted, can fill Lake Erie twice. Scientists say they'll need a new map as a result. 

Tom Ritchie,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
