美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-07-16(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. The newest senate health-care bill seeks out conservative support by letting insurers low-premium policies with skimpy the coverage. The bill is aimed at repealing much of president Barack Obama's health law. But the GOP plan remains in deep jeopardy because of the division within the party. 

2. President Donald Trump is saluting the US' unbreakable ties with France. Standing beside France president Emmanuel Macron, Trump said a lot of people forget that France helps us secure out independence. 

3. Authorities are digging deeper into their quest of three missing Pennsylvania. They recovered the body of one in a more than 12-foot deep grave on a farm. The DA says the common grave gets deeper as they dig. 

4. A worker in Texas got locked into a room behind an ATM, with no way to reach bank employees. The man slipped notes to customers through the ATM receipt slot. Some thought it was a joke but one finally called police.  

I'm Matt Friedman, the Associated Press with AP news minute.
