职场英文口语 第193期:建立关系网(3)(在线收听

   I work as a Sales Executive at Tip Top Trading… and you are? 我是Tip Top Trading的销售代理,你是?

  Jane. Jane from Nice'n'Cheesy. It's very busy here today isn't it? It is. It's my first time here but it's very exciting. 简,Nice'n'Cheesy的简。这里真是忙碌的一天,不是吗?是的,这是我第一次来这里,我很兴奋。
  I really didn't know what to wear. Anna! That's chatty and friendly, but let's get down to business. 我真的不知道该穿什么好。安娜!你表现得很健谈,友善,但直奔主题吧。
  Oh yes, of course. So can you tell me about your company, Nice'n'Cheesy? 是的,当然。你能跟我说说你的公司,Nice'n'Cheesy吗?
  Well, we sell cheese to London's top cheese shops - we like to say we're a wedge above the rest – a wedge of cheese, get it? ! 我们卖奶酪给伦敦最好的奶酪店,我们有最好的奶酪,了解了吗?
  Err, right. Well, can I briefly tell you about what our company does? 好的。我能跟你简单介绍一下我们的公司吗?
  Our company – Tip Top Trading – makes plastic fruit mainly for the catering and food industry. 我们的公司Tip Top Trading主要是为餐饮业制作塑料水果。
  We're up for an award today for one of our designs. Smashing. That's quite interesting actually. 今天我们的一个产品得到了获奖提名。太好了,这很有意思。