职场英文口语 第201期:领奖致辞(6)(在线收听

   Please welcome Brad Socrates from Tip Top Trading International to award the prize. 欢迎Tip Top Trading国际的Brad Socrates颁奖。

  Out the way. Where's the Goddamn envelope?OK, right, and the award goes to… Anna from Tip Top Trading. 走开,该死的信封在哪?好的,获奖者是Tip Top Trading的安娜。
  Me?Bbbut I…Go on Anna. You deserve it.Go and make another speech!Thank you everyone – this is amazing. 我?但我……去吧,安娜,你应得的。去再来一段发言。感谢大家,这太不可思议了。
  This girl is amazing.In just one year she has risen from an apprentice to a champion. 这个女孩很不可思议。只用了一年,她就从学徒成为了冠军。
  It's great to have her on board.I think we should talk about your salary later hey? 公司里有了她太好了。我认为我们之后可以谈谈你的薪水。
  Can things get any better for Anna?I think they can.Join us again soon for more English at Work. Bye. 对安娜来说,还能更完美吗?我想可以。快来加入我们了解更多的职场英语,再见。