职场英文口语 第206期:如何解雇人(5)(在线收听

   And here are some other expressions you may hear in connection with losing your job. 下面是一些有关失业的表达语。

  Facing redundancy,Getting the sack,Terminating your employment,Leaving the company 面临裁员,解雇,终止雇佣,离开公司
  Right, well, I might as well start clearing out my desk.Yeah it's a real shame. 好了,我还是清理桌子吧。是啊,真是遗憾!
  Any chance I could have your stapler?Tom, you could be a bit more sympathetic. 不过,你能把订书机给我吗?汤姆,你应该多点同情。
  Oh right.Tom, Anna.Could I have a word in my office please? 好吧。汤姆,安娜。你俩来我办公室一趟。
  Oh no. This is it.It's my turn to get the chop!Ha, You might not need my stapler after all! 不,不是吧。这回轮到我被解雇了!哈,你可能不需要我的订书机了。
  Crikey! Things aren't looking good at Tip Top Trading.Are Tom and Anna getting the chop… I mean, the sack? 哎呀,Tip Top Trading的事情不妙呀。汤姆和安娜也要被解雇吗?
  Join us again next time on English at Work. 一起在下期职场英语中寻找答案吧。