职场英文口语 第207期:传达想法(1)(在线收听

  Hello again and welcome to English at Work. 又见面了,欢迎回到“职场英语”。
  It's another day at Tip Top Trading and hopefully a happier one, following Denise's bad news about her job. 希望这是丹尼斯在Tip Top Trading得知坏消息后快乐的一天。
  I wonder if Tom and Anna are about to get the same bad news? 我想知道汤姆和安娜是不是也要收到同样的坏消息?
  It's really awful having to let a member of your staff go but that's the situation we're in, I'm afraid. 让一名职员离开是很糟糕的事,但鉴于现在的处境,恐怕不得不这样。
  And now you're going to let us go aren't you? 现在你要让我们走了,对吗?
  Honestly Paul, I've given my life to this company and, quite frankly, I'm disappointed… no, I'm angry at your decision. 说实话,保罗,我把生命都奉献在这家公司了,坦白地说,我很失望,不,我对你的决定感到生气。
  See your biscuits? Well…Tom!That's what I think of Tip Top Trading…What? ! Hold on Tom. 看到你的饼干了吗?那么……汤姆!这就是我对Tip Top Trading的看法……什么?等下,汤姆。
  I think you're a bit confused.I'm not sacking you too. 我想你有点误会。我不是也要解雇你。
  I need to talk to you about plastic vegetables… you know, the aubergine idea? 我要跟你们谈谈塑料蔬菜的事,关于茄子的想法。
  Oh… I see.You're not sacking us?Sorry Paul… I'll buy you some more biscuits. 我懂了。你不是要解雇我们?抱歉,保罗,我会给你买一些饼干的。
  So what was it that you had to say?Plastic vegetables.Yours and Anna's idea for a plastic aubergine.I like it. It's good. 那么你想要说什么?塑料蔬菜。你和安娜关于塑料茄子的想法。我喜欢,很不错。