老外最常用的英文短语 第511期:run after(在线收听

   run after  追赶,尾随

  Michael ran off and Jane ran after him. 麦克一逃跑,杰恩就开始追赶他。
  He ran after her. They met in the hallway. 他在尾随她,后来在走廊碰到了。
  Tom took off jogging again. Susie ran after him. 汤姆重新开始了慢跑,苏西也赶了过去。
  Hurley took off running after Vincent. 何蕾开始追赶文森特。
  I got to the bus stop as my bus was leaving.  公交马上就要出发了,我急忙跑到车站。
  Did you still run after it? 你能追上吗?