绿箭侠第一季 第314期:杀手来到奥利弗的家(在线收听

   He's safe now, Laurel. 他现在安全了,劳瑞尔。

  With a hard road ahead of him. 但前路坎坷
  Well, he's lucky to have you in his life. I know the feeling. 他能遇到你真是太幸运了。我对这体会感同身受。
  When you first got home, I didn't think that you changed much. 你刚回来的时候,我觉得你还是老样子
  But you have, and... It's nice to see. Thank you. 但你的确变了... 很高兴看到这样。谢谢。
  I have a delivery van coming in for Ms. Lance, his I.D. checks out. 有辆货车来送东西给兰斯小姐,身份已查对无误
  Thanks for the heads up. 多谢提醒
  For... Ms. Lance. 这是给Lance小姐的
  What a beautiful home. 多么漂亮的家啊
  Such pain here. A sense of loss and regret, you can feel it, down to the wood paneling... 却弥漫着一股痛苦的气息。地板散发出一种失意和悔恨的味道...
  Tommy... Can you two stay here with Taylor? 汤米,你俩进来陪着泰勒吧?
  Where are you going? It's an old house, fuses blow all the time, 你要去哪?这老房子总跳闸
  it's probably nothing, just please... Come on. Ok. 应该没事,进来吧...好的。