绿箭侠第一季 第316期:汤米提出分手(在线收听

   Thank you for everything you tried to do for Eric and Nancy. And for keeping Taylor safe. 感谢你为埃里克和南希作出的努力,以及保护泰勒的安全。

  Come here. You keep being a good boy, ok? 过来。你要继续做个乖孩子,听到没?
  Tommy, I really need to talk to you... What's that for? 汤米,我需要和你谈谈...这是什么意思?
  It's my stuff. What's going on? 是我的东西。怎么了?
  I'm not sure that I'm ready for the kind of commitment that you're looking for.  我不确定能否如你所期望一般付出
  I don't want to hurt you in the long run, so...  长痛不如短痛,所以...
  Wait. We both almost lost our lives, and I'm emotional, too, but you can't be serious.  等等,我们差点死了,我现在情绪也很不稳定,你肯定不是认真的吧
  This is me serious, Laurel.  我是认真的,劳瑞尔。
  But... But it doesn't make any sense, I mean, why... Why now?  但是... 但这完全说不通啊,为什么... 为什么是现在?
  Why even at all?  你为什么要这样做?
  I thought that I wanted this. You. 我曾以为这就是我想要的。你。
  And the other night made me realize I don't.  但那晚我意识到事实并非如此
  You're lying. I am not a liar. 你在撒谎。我没有。
  If you've changed, and I know that you've changed, then you wouldn't... you would never do this. 如果你真的改变了,我也知道你确实变了,那你就不会...你不会这样对我
  Then I guess I haven't changed as much as we all thought, then.  大概我并未如想象中变化那么大吧。