职场英文口语 第209期:传达想法(3)(在线收听

   It's our new big idea.Easy. We can just remould the design for the Imperial Lemon. 这是我们的新想法。简单,我们可以翻新一下皇家柠檬的设计。

  Can they Anna?Is that what you wanted?To get what you want, you need to explain exactly your requirements.But what shall I say? 他们这样可以吗,安娜?这是你想要的吗?为了如你所愿,你要好好阐述一下你的要求了。但我要说什么呢?
  Tell them exactly what you were thinking by saying 'I have a specific idea in mind' and 'I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on how to improve my ideas' and,  告诉他们你想要的,比如“我已经有了明确的想法”“对于我的点子,我很想听听你的看法”,
  'I'd like to use your design skills to produce a fantastic product'. “希望通过你的设计才华制作出一个出色的产品。”。
  I see.OK, time for me to take control.George… this is quite a special project for us… isn't it Tom? 我懂了。好的,轮到我负责了。乔治,这是我们的特别项目,对吧,汤姆?
  Oh yeah, right, absolutely.So we want to get it right and I already have a specific idea in mind.Great, sure, tell me more. 是,当然了。所以我们想把它做好,而且我脑中已有具体想法了。很好,告诉我吧。
  Well, based on a real aubergine, I was hoping it could be 20 centimetres in length, using grade 1 plastic resin,  以真茄子为根基,我希望它总长20厘米,使用1级塑料树脂,
  with a black-purple colour and a 30 degree curve on that side. 表面呈紫黑色,并向一边30度弯曲。
  Does that make sense?Erm yeah. Quite clear. 这样可以吗?是的,很清楚。