职场英文口语 第210期:传达想法(4)(在线收听

   Obviously you are a designer, so I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on how to improve our idea. 很明显,你是一位设计者,所以对于我的点子,我很想听听你的看法。

  Well, it looks very impressive already.Gosh, Tom, where did you get her from?He didn't get me from anywhere. 你的想法已经很不错了。汤姆,你从哪把她挖掘出来的?并不是他挖掘出我的。
  Now, I'd like to use your design skills to develop a fantastic product that I can show everyone. OK? 希望通过你的设计才华制作出一个出色的产品,以便展示给大家,没问题吧?
  Err… yes. I'll get onto it straight away.Excellent Anna. 没问题。我现在就去做。太棒了,安娜。
  Sometimes it's important to take control and say what you really want but in a positive and encouraging way. 有时掌握控制权、以积极鼓励的方式说出自己所想很重要。
  These are the phrases that Anna used.I have a specific idea in mind. 下面一起回顾下安娜用过的短语。我已经有了明确的想法。
  I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on how to improve my ideas. 对于我的点子,我很想听听你的看法。
  I'd like to use your design skills to produce a fantastic product. 希望通过你的设计才华制作出一个出色的产品。
  There's one more phrase to use to make sure things go to plan if someone is making something for you. 还有一个短语适用于某人为你做东西,你确定它符合计划的场合。
  That is 'I need to sign off your designs before they go into production', that means approve the plans before anything is made. 即‘投入生产前,我要核实计划’,意思就是制作东西前批准计划。