欧美名人演讲 第93期:奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(15)(在线收听

   For this is also a time around the world when some of the fundamental ideals of liberal democracies are under attack 这也是世界各地自由民主的基础概念受到攻击,

  and when notions of objectively and of a free press and of facts and of evidence are trying to be undermined or in some cases ignored entirely. 是客观新闻自由、事实、证据被削弱甚至被忽视的时刻,这样的环境里。
  And in such a climate it’s not enough just to give people a megaphone. 只给人民大喇叭是不够的。
  And that’s why your power and your responsibility to dig and to question  这就是为何你们去挖掘去质疑,
  and to counter distortions and untruths is more important than even ever. 去反抗扭曲事实和谎言的能力和责任比以往都更重要。
  Taking a stand on behalf of what is true does not require you shedding your objectivity. 站在真相这一边,并不意味着你要丧失客观性。
  In fact, it is the essence of good journalism. 其实,这才是优秀新闻的精髓。
  It affirms the idea that the only way we can build consensus, 这证实了,我们建立共识的唯一方法,
  the only way that we can move forward as a country, 我们国家前进的唯一方法,
  the only way we can help the world mend itself is by agreeing on a baseline of facts when it comes to the challenges that confront us all. 我们帮助世界修复自我的唯一方法,就是在遇见面向所有人挑战时,对一套基本的事实达成共识。
  So this night is a testament to all of you who have devoted your lives to that idea, 所以今晚就是对你们这些为此理想奉献一生的人,
  who push to shine a light on the truth every single day. 每一天都为了揭露真相而努力的人们的证明。
  So, I want to close my final White House correspondents' dinner by just saying thank you. 所以,我最后一届白宫记者协会的结尾,我只想说感谢。
  I’m very proud of what you’ve done. 我为你们所做的事而骄傲。
  It has been an honor and a privilege to work side by side with you to strengthen our democracy. 能跟你们并肩合作,巩固我国的民主,这是我的荣耀。
  With that I just have two more words to say: Obama out. 至此,我还剩两个词:奥巴马闪人(模仿科比退役)!