娜塔莉波特曼哈佛大学演讲 第3期(在线收听

   I went to a public high school on Long Island. Syosset high school. Ooh, Hello Syosset. 我念的是长岛的公立高中。西奥赛特中学。哇哦,你们好,西奥赛特的校友们。

  The girls I went to school with had Prada bag and flat-ironed hair and they spoke with an accent, I who had moved here at age 9 from Connecticut mimicked to fit in. Florida oranges. Chocolate, Cherries. 和我一起上学的女孩们有普拉达手袋,拉直了头发,她们说话带有的口音,是我9岁从康涅狄格搬到这里后为了融入一直致力模仿的。佛罗里达橘子,巧克力樱桃。
  Since I'm ancient and the Internet was just starting when I was in high school. 因为我太老了,在我高中的时候互联网才刚刚开始兴起。
  People didn't really pay that much attention to the fact that I was an actress. 大家并不怎么在意我是一个演员。
  I was known mainly in school for having a backpack bigger than I was and always having white-out on my hands, because I hated seeing anything crossed out in my notebooks. 我在学校为人所知的主要原因是有一个比自己还大的背包,手上总是有涂改液,因为我讨厌在我的笔记本上看到叉。
  I was voted for my senior yearbook most likely to be a contestant on Jeopardy or code for nerdiest. 我在毕业年鉴中被评选为最可能成为智力竞赛选手的人,通俗来说就是最呆的书呆子。
  When I got to Harvard just after the release of Star Wars Episode one. 我在哈佛上学那年星球大战一刚上映。
  I knew I would be starting over in terms of how people viewed me. 我知道我需要重建别人对我的看法了。
  I feared people would assume I gotten in just for being famous, and that they will think that I was not worthy of the intellectual rigor here. 我担心人们会认为我只是靠知名度被录取的,他们会认为我配不上这里严苛的智力水平。
  And it would not have been far from the truth. 其实事实上八九不离十。
  When I came here I never written a 10-page paper before. 我来到这里前从未写过一份10页纸长的论文。
  I'm not even sure I'd written a 5-page paper. 我甚至不确定我能写出5页纸长的论文。
  I was alarmed and intimidated by the calm eyes of fellow students, who came here from Dalton or Exeter who thought that compared to high school the workload here was easy. 我被同学们冷静的眼神刺激并吓到了,他们从道尔顿或埃克塞特毕业,认为和高中相比,这里的作业量少之又少。
  I was completely overwhelmed and thought that reading a thousand pages a week with unimaginable. 我完全不知所措,认为一礼拜看完一千页书籍简直无法想象。
  That writing a fifty-page thesis is just something I could never do. 写一篇50页的论文我永远都不可能做得到。
  I had no idea how to declare my intentions. 我完全不知道该怎么表达我的意图。
  I couldn't even articulate them to myself. 我对自己都无法解释。
  I've been acting since I was 11, but I thought acting was too frivolous and certainly not meaningful. 我从11岁就开始演戏,但是我认为演戏是轻佻且无意义的。
  I came from a family of academics and was very concerned of being taken seriously. 我出身书香门第,非常在意别人是否把我当回事。
  In contrast to my inability to declare myself, on my first day of orientation freshman year, five separate students introduce themselves to me by saying I'm going to be President. Remember I told you that. 跟我的不敢言明相比,大一新生培训的第一天,5位同学分别对我自我介绍说:我将来会成为总统。记住我今天跟你说的话。
  Their names, for the record, were Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama, and Hilary Clinton. 严肃地说,他们的名字分别是伯尼桑德斯,马克卢比奥,泰德克鲁兹,巴拉克奥巴马和希拉里克林顿。(调侃总统候选人)