职场英文口语 第214期:提供求职建议(3)(在线收听

   I'm unemployed from tomorrow, how am I ever going to find another job? 从明天开始我就失业了,我该怎样找新工作啊?

  Well, have you tried looking in the job section of the newspaper? 你试着在报纸招聘栏上找过吗?
  No.It's a good place to start. 没有。这是个不错的开头。
  And there are loads of job-finding websites you could sign up for.I don't have a computer. 而且那么多求职网站,你可以注册试试。我没有电脑。
  Well what about ringing some of the people you know; contacts who may know about a job. 给你认识的人打电话怎么人样,联系那些有工作空缺的人。
  Hmm, I hadn't thought about that. 这点我倒是没想过。
  And of course, you could register with a recruitment agency. 当然,你也可以去招聘机构注册。
  They're good at finding jobs for you. 他们很擅长找工作的。
  Oh, that's a good idea. Anna, you're brilliant! 好主意!安娜,你真聪明。
  What great ideas… you're so kind and… thoughtful. 这么棒的想法,你太亲切了,太体贴了。
  Anna could you… Oh no, she's crying again. 安娜,你能……不,她又哭了。
  Oh no, shall we go back into your office Paul? 不,保罗,我们回你办公室吧?
  No, no. It's OK, Denise is crying with happiness.She's feeling better now. 不,没关系。丹尼斯是在流幸福的泪水。她现在感觉好多了。