打工姐妹花第二季 第2期:父亲的电话(在线收听

   Ooh! Late night phone call. Ring-a-ding-dang. 哇!大半夜还有电话。找人午夜寻欢哟。

  Someone's gonna get their freaky freak on. 有人要胡搞瞎搞啦
  It's my father. I don't judge. 是我爸啦。我很开明的。
  Hey, daddy. Me? I'm fine. 爸爸?我很好呀
  A little bummed: It's truffle season, and no one I know knows what a truffle is, but... 有点失望,现在是松露季节,而这里却没人知道松露是什么,不过...
  Oh! Our estate auction? Yeah, I think I heard something about that. 我们的财产拍卖会吗?知道啊。我是有听说过
  But honestly, daddy, I haven't given it a second thought. 但老实说,爸爸,我一点都不放在心上。
  No, you don't have to worry about me. 不,你不必担心我。
  I am not at all emotional about it. 我情绪平和,一点也不激动。
  Wha-- Thank God it's not flip-flop Friday. 这...幸好今天不是周五拖鞋上班日
  Well, wait, I'll ask her. 等等,我问她。
  My father wants to know if you'll come out to the prison and finally meet him. Sure. 我老爸想请你跟我一起去监狱见他,然后大家见一面。没问题。
  Great. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye. 很好,那我们明天见。再见。
  I'm not going. 我才不去
  What? Why'd you say yes? 为什么?那你刚才还答应他?
  'cause you never tell a man in prison no. He could hang himself with his belt. 不可以拒绝在坐牢的人啊。他会用皮带上吊自尽的。
  Do not give me that look. It happened to me twice already. 别用那种眼神看我。我已经碰过两次了。
  Oh, God, has anything not happened to you twice already? 拜托哦,什么事情你没碰过两次啊
  Max, come on. It's really important to me that you meet my father. 求你了,麦克斯。你能跟我的父亲见面,对我来说很重要。
  Well, you never met my father, and you don't see me dragging you to every railroad boxcar in the country trying to find him. 你也没见过我爹,我也没有拉着你试图去全国所有的货运火车上找他啊。
  Come on, it's gonna be a really hard week for me. 求你了。这周我已经够不顺心了。
  Has any week ever not been hard for you? 你有哪一周是顺心的吗?
  Everything I've ever owned is being auctioned off to the public. I'm humiliated. 我过去拥有的一切东西通通要被拿去拍卖给社会大众了。我颜面无存。
  Would this be a bad time to tell you your one long face hair is back? 那想必现在不是个告诉你你那根超长脸毛又长出来的好时机?
  Well, there's something they can't take away from me, and apparently, I can't either. 看来有些东西是他们抢不走,而我自己也除不掉的。