打工姐妹花第二季 第4期:长毛引发的争吵(在线收听

   Hey, Sophie, you don't happen to have any tweezers, do you? Like, the really good industrial kind? 苏菲,你身上有带拔毛夹子吗?就是那种很好用的工业拔毛夹

  Oh, you know about the hair? 你也知道你的那根毛啊
  'Cause I was gonna have to take you out for a beer and talk about it. 本来还想带你去喝个酒,然后趁你喝醉时告诉你呢。
  Max, what is that thing that you have behind your back? 麦克斯,你身后藏着的是什么啊
  What? No, nothing. Yes, right here. 什么,没有啊。有啊,就在这里。
  Is that the auction catalog that just fell between your legs? 刚从你双腿之间落下的是我家拍卖会的目录吗
  No, you're watching an episode of I didn't know I was pregnant. 不是,你是在看现场版的《糊涂妈妈进产房》
  What is this thing doing here? Isn't it enough I have a 2-foot face hair? 为什么这会在这里?我有根两英尺长的脸毛还不够惨吗
  Nice, Han. She's upset again. Happy? 干得好啊,阿憨,她又不开心了。
  Sorry, I thought we were playing some kind of hiding game. 抱歉,我还以为在玩你藏我找的游戏。
  Oh, reach for me like that again and we'll be playing a different game called "Guess which part of Han I cut off." 你下次再这样,我就跟你玩另一个游戏,叫做"猜猜我又砍下阿憨身上哪个部位"。
  Yeah, that's right. You better walk away. 你们学乖就好。还不赶紧闪人。
  Now, can I have my catalog back? 我可以拿回我的目录了吗
  You brought this in here? I can't believe it, Sophie. 是你带进来的啊。我真不敢相信,苏菲。
  I can't believe you think it's okay for you to just sit here 你觉得坐在这里,随意翻阅
  and casually flip through this catalog that contains everything I love from my old life. 我家以前的财产目录合适吗,我以前所有珍爱的东西都在里面啊。
  I just think it's really insensitive and stuff. I mean, what are you thinking? 也太不考虑一下别人心情了。你脑子里想什么啊。
  What is wrong with you, I mean, besides your obvious choice of bad fabric and color. 你是哪有毛病啊,更别说你这身丑色的烂衣服了。
  Oh, no. You back up your truck, bearded lady. I'm insensitive? 你好样的。你给我闪开点,长毛女。我不考虑别人心情吗
  I'm the thief who stole all those people's money? 是我偷了全城人的钱吗
  And you don't think this color is happening? Pick up a copy of Polish Vogue. 你难道看不出这配色能衬托我的美貌吗?去买本波兰版《时尚》杂志学学吧
  All right, okay, okay. It's all getting a little tense. 好了,好了,够了。这有点太剑拔弩张了
  I think we're all clear about what needs to happen right now. Plink. 我想大家心知肚明该怎么样解除这尴尬场面。我拔。