打工姐妹花第二季 第5期:探望监狱里的父亲(在线收听

   Wow, this prison's a lot better than the last one. It's more like a country club. 这个监狱比上次那个好太多了。简直就像乡村俱乐部。

  I mean, I think I saw a list for mixed doubles where we signed in. 签到时,我好像看到了不少混双球员名单。
  Max, I know your idea of a country club's an abandoned car in the woods, but look around. 麦克斯,我知道你觉得森林里的弃置车辆也算是乡村俱乐部,但你看这里。
  There's security cameras and bars on the windows. 有监视器跟加了铁网的窗子呢
  All right, so it's a rough country club, where the strongest golfers make the caddies their bitch. 好嘛,这是一间硬汉乡村俱乐部,强壮高球员会把杆弟当小妞搞。
  Max, my father's in prison. Be more sensitive and stuff. 麦克斯,我爸爸是在坐牢。考虑一下人家心情什么的嘛
  Look, I get it. You're protective. 我懂,他是你亲爹。
  He's your father and you love him, but I'm sorry, not everybody feels that way. 你护着他,你爱他,但不是大家都会这么觉得啊。
  Daddy. There she is. 老爸。乖女儿
  How's my little girl? I'm great, daddy. 我的乖女最近好吗?挺好啊,老爸
  Yeah. I like the new uniform, and it isn't at all prison-y. 你这套新制服不错哦,完全没有囚服的感觉。
  Yeah. I don't know what's worse: being locked up or looking like you work at a Banana Republic. 我也不知道哪样比较惨,是被关呢还是穿的像香蕉共和国店员一样呢。
  Now, wait a minute. This can't be Max. 等等,你不会就是麦克斯吧。
  The stories I've heard, I was expecting more of a truck driver. 以前听你的事,我还以为你会是卡车司机型的猛女呢。
  Hey, Brian, you might wanna look the other way. 布莱恩,你头先别过去吧。
  I think Max is here to break me out. Isn't that right, Max? 麦克斯是来带我越狱的。对吧,麦克斯?
  Martin Channing. Shall we? Okay, fine, your dad is awesome. 真会说笑。马丁·钱宁。请坐吧?好啦,你爹棒呆了。