打工姐妹花第二季 第7期:麦克斯的神推理(在线收听

   I'm not getting that cup. 我才不会去买那奖杯

  What? Then why did you say you would? 什么?那你干嘛答应他你会买?
  You can't tell a man in prison "no". He'll hang himself with his belt. 不可以拒绝在坐牢的人啊。他会用皮带上吊的。
  It happened to you twice already. 你都碰过两次了
  We have to go get that cup. Why? 我们一定得去买回那个奖杯。为什么?
  There's money in the cup. 奖杯里有钱
  What are you talking about? 这话什么意思
  He said we needed it for our future, then he winked. 他说你的未来需要那个奖杯,然后眨了眼。
  It was either that, or he was hitting on me, which, I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't hate. 不是暗指有钱,就是他在对我放电,坦白说,那样也不赖。
  How would he even hide money in a cup, Nancy Drew? 他为什么要藏钱在奖杯里啊,神探南茜?
  Well, what does a loving cup look like? Is it like a bowling trophy? 那纪念杯长什么样子?跟保龄球奖杯差不多吗?
  How dare you. 你居然贬低我的奖杯
  Does it have, like, a wood base? 是不是有个木头底座啦
  Yup, I used to hide my stash in my mother's bowling trophy. 没错了,我以前也藏大麻在我妈的奖杯底座。
  And you're telling me the man who invented a way 你觉得一个能够想出方法
  to defraud most of New York isn't as clever as a stoned 12-year-old with a butter knife? 骗尽大半个纽约的天才,想不到十二岁嗑药妹就能想出的法子吗?
  Well, it was weird how it was all about the cup and so little about the pumpkin spice cupcake. 他都不听我说小蛋糕,只顾着说奖杯,的确有点古怪。
  Right? And you don't think your father who spent a fortune to turn you into a sculpture, 对吧?而且你觉得那位愿意花大钱来做你的雕像,
  presumably nude, wouldn't try to figure out a way to take care of his only daughter? 可能还是裸体雕像的老爸,不会想办法给女儿留后路吗?
  The man's a criminal genius, and he found a way to put money for your future in the cup, 他是个犯罪天才,他想到这个替你未来留后路的方法,
  and clearly, that's why he dragged me out to prison, 所以他才要我千里迢迢地过来谈
  because he knows you'll do what I say 因为他知道你会听我的话
  'cause I'm the boss of you, and pretty soon, I'm gonna be your stepmom. 因为我是你的老大,而且很快还会升级成你继母。
  I hear what you're saying, but I just have one big question. 你的意思我明白了,但我有个重要的问题。
  How much are we willing to bid? 要花多少钱来标这纪念杯吗
  No, about my disguise. I know I'm a brunette, but do I have bangs? 不是,是我的易容。我可以扮个褐发妞,但要留刘海吗?