英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0524 - heart to heart听众问答环节上线啦!(在线收听

   Topic1-Pioneering in China's Family Tree Business

  Chinese people cherish our families. Recently, more Chinese people living overseas are looking for their family roots back in China, and Chinese people living in the homeland are searching for their ancestries as well. The family tree business is buzzing more than ever.
  RT heart to heart
  We’ll introduce a new segment of Round Table called “Round Table, Heart to Heart.” We will play questions from listeners and answer them on the live show. Have your question been chosen? You’ll need to listen to find out!
  If you have a question for us for the RT team, regarding the hosts, the show, society, life, send them in by a voice document to [email protected], send in your voice and be part of our show!
  Topic2-Gym refuses to refund customers
  Have you ever signed up with a gym, or a hair dresser or beauty salon? If the answer is yes, then you must have been asked to deposit a hefty amount of cash up front. One thing you are not told, but we are telling you is: joining a membership is easy, but exiting is so hard!
  Unsatisfied customers are taking such matters to court.