乔布斯传 第323期:丽萨住了进来(5)(在线收听

   And thus the pattern would continue. Mona Simpson used all of this, plus her imagination,  这种情况还会不断重演。莫娜·辛普森把所有这些,加上她的想象,

  as a springboard for her third novel, A Regular Guy, published in 1996.  作为了她第三部小说《凡人》的蓝本。该小说于1996年出版。
  The book's title character is based on Jobs, and to some extent it adheres to reality:  这本书的主角是以乔布斯为原型,在一定程度上符合事实:
  It depicts Jobs's quiet generosity to, and purchase of a special car for, a brilliant friend who had degenerative bone disease, 它描写了乔布斯对一位骨病不断恶化的朋友的低调慷慨,如何为对方购买一辆特制的汽车;
  and it accurately describes many unflattering aspects of his relationship with Lisa, including his original denial of paternity. 它准确地描述了他和丽萨之间关系的诸多方面,包括他最初否认他们的血缘关系。
  But other parts are purely fiction; Chrisann had taught Lisa at a very early age how to drive, for example,  但其他部分多为虚构:例如,虽然克里斯安在丽萨很小的时候就教她开车,
  but the book's scene of "Jane" driving a truck across the mountains alone at age five to find her father of course never happened. 但是书里的“简”5岁时开着辆卡车翻山越岭去找她父亲的情节当然是从未发生过。
  In addition, there are little details in the novel that, in journalist parlance, are too good to check,  另外,小说里还有些小细节,用新闻学术语来说,是过于精致,无据可考,
  such as the head-snapping description of the character based on Jobs in the very first sentence: "He was a man too busy to flush toilets." 例如全书第一句就当头一棒地如此描写基于乔布斯的这个角色:“他是个忙得连马桶都不冲的人。”
  On the surface, the novel's fictional portrayal of Jobs seems harsh. 表面上,这部小说对乔布斯的虚构描述看起来很苛刻。
  Simpson describes her main character as unable "to see any need to pander to the wishes or whims of other people." 辛普森描述她的主角,“不觉得有任何必要迁就其他人的希望或梦想”。