夏洛的网 第157期:多里安医生(11)(在线收听

   "Oh, Avery," chuckled Mrs. Arable. “噢,艾弗里,”阿拉布尔太太格格笑,

  "Avery is always fine. “艾弗里一直很好。
  Of course, he gets into poison ivy and gets stung by wasps and bees and brings frogs and snakes home 当然,他碰上过毒漆,被黄蜂和蜜蜂蛰过,把青蛙和蛇带回来。
  and breaks everything he lays his hands on. 而且手碰到什么打破什么。
  He's fine." 不过他很好。”
  "Good!" said the doctor. “那就好!”医生说。
  Mrs. Arable said goodbye and thanked Dr. Dorian very much for his advice. 阿拉布尔太太跟多里安医生告别,非常感谢他的指点。
  She felt greatly relieved. 她完全放心了。