职场英文口语 第220期:如何坚持立场(1)(在线收听

   Welcome back to the chaotic offices of Tip Top Trading. 欢迎回到Tip Top Trading公司混乱的办公室。

  Now Denise has left the company, the place is a mess and important phone messages are being lost. 如今,丹尼斯离开了公司,这里一片混乱,重要电话留言也丢了。
  What can be done to make things better?I think we know the answer! 到底该怎么做才能好转呢?我想我们已知道答案了!
  Hi. Did anyone take a message for me while I was out?I'm expecting an important call. 嗨。我出去时有没有人帮我记口信?我在等一个重要的电话。
  Err… no!Actually yes Paul.I wrote it on Tom's hand but he washed it off. 没人。其实有,保罗。我写在汤姆手上了,但他洗掉了。
  Look, good hygiene's very important to me.That's not very good is it? 良好卫生对我很重要。不怎么好,是不是?
  What's wrong with writing on a piece of paper? 为什么不写在纸上呢?
  We've run out of paper… and pens.Everything really. 我们的纸和钢笔都没了。全都没了。
  Nobody's ordered any stationery or tidied up the office.It's since Denise left. 没人买文具,也没人收拾办公室。自从丹尼斯离开就这样了。
  Yes, maybe I was a bit hasty getting rid of her.It was really just to save money. 是啊,或许把她开除太仓促了。我当时就是为了省钱。
  Yeah, but look, if we can't take messages from possible clients we're going to lose even more money. 没错,可如果拿不到潜在客户的消息,那么我们损失的将更多。
  Yes… I suppose you have a point.Maybe I will to have reinstate her. 是啊,我想你说的对。或许我该给她复职。
  You mean, get her back?Yes Anna, he does. 你是说让她回来?是的,安娜,他是这个意思。