绿箭侠第一季 第329期:罗伯特的忏悔(在线收听

   Are you feeling all right?  你没事吧

  I know tonight was just another Ted Kord fund-raiser, but you were surprisingly quiet. 我知道今晚又是个不靠谱的募捐,但你也太安静了。
  Moira, there's something I need to talk to you about.  莫伊拉,有些事情我要告诉你
  Robert, if this is what I think it is, I don't want to know her name. I don't-- 罗伯特,如果和我想的一样。我不想知道她的名字,我不想...
  No, it's about Malcolm. He wants to level the glades.  不,是关于马尔科姆的。他想夷平贫民区。
  And how does Malcolm propose to evacuate an entire section of the city? He doesn't. 马尔科姆提议如何清空这个城市里这一整个区域。他没有提议。
  Robert, that doesn't sound like you.  罗伯特,听起来不像你做事的风格
  Because I'm not the man you think I am.  因为我不是你认为的那种男人
  About a month before the opening of Steele factory, the one in the glades, 约在斯蒂尔工厂开业前一个月,就是贫民区那个,
  I was approached by a local councilman. He wanted money. 当地的议员找到了我。他想要钱。
  Told me that's the way everything was done in the glades.  告诉我在贫民区就是这么办事的
  I told him I'd never paid a bribe in my life. We got into an argument. 我告诉他我一辈子都不会行贿。我们吵了起来。
  I didn't want to hurt him. I swear, Moira. But he fell. 我没想伤害他。我发誓,莫伊拉。但他摔倒了。
  Oh, dear god. Oh, dear god. 天啊。天啊。
  The work I'm doing with Malcolm, with the list, it's my penance, Moira.  我和马尔科姆一起做的事还有那份名单,是我在赎罪,莫伊拉。
  What, so you'll atone for one murder by committing hundreds, thousands? 什么,你打算杀几百个几千个人来弥补那一次谋杀吗?
  Robert. You listen to me. 罗伯特。你听我说。
  Whatever wrongs you've committed, whatever mistakes you've made, 无论你犯过什么错,不管做错了什么,
  preventing this horror is your chance to make it right.  阻止这件恐怖的事情发生才是你修正错误的机会。
  Please... Please, Robert, promise me you won't let this happen. 求你了。拜托,罗伯特,答应我别让这事发生。