Larry 和李华正在为他的朋友 Laura 担心.他们两人都觉得Laura好像有甚么心事.今天李华会学到两个常用语: clam up 和 to tank。 LL: Laura has been acting really strange lately, but every time I try to ask her what's bothering her, she just clams up. LH: 我也注意到了, Laura 最近是有点怪怪的.我也问过她怎么回事,她就是不肯说 .... 对了, Larry,你刚才说 clam up,那是甚么意思啊? LL: To clam up is to become silent and refuse to talk about something. LH: To clam up 就是闭紧了嘴巴,不肯把心里的事告诉别人.疑?可是 Larry, clam 不是一种蛤蜊吗?这跟说不说话有甚么关系啊? LL: Yes, in fact, that's where the expression comes from. Clams can close their shells very tightly. If a person refuses to talk, his lips are closed just like a clam's shell. LH: 喔~,对吔.一个人嘴巴闭得紧紧的时候,就好像蛤蜊闭上壳,怎么也不打开.这个说法太形象了! LH: The problem is that Laura has clammed up about whatever is bothering her, which means that we have no way of helping her out. LH: 那倒也是喔.她要不说,我们又怎么能帮她呢.也许我们应该让她一个人静一静,等她想说的时候啊,自然会告诉我们到底是怎么回事儿。 LL: That's probably the only thing we can do. LH: 其实啊我爸爸也是一样呢.心里如果有事啊,从来不肯说.有的时候把我妈急的一直生气。 LL: A lot of people clam up when something is bothering them. I tend to clam up when I'm really nervous. LH: 我也是吔!我只要一紧张啊,我就不说话了.每个人都不一样,像我妹妹啊,她一生气就可以几天都不说话.别人也不知道她在生甚么气。 LL: That's like my mother. She could clam up for days when she is angry with my father. LH: 你妈妈跟你爸爸生气的时候几天不说话啊.那,你爸爸怎么办呢? LL:Whenever my mother clams up, he clams up too. ……………………………………………………………… LL: I found out what was bothering Laura. She was upset because the last play she wrote tanked. Everyone criticized it. LH: 大家都批评她最近写的剧本.为甚么啊?你说她写的那个剧本 tanked,那是甚么意思啊? Tank,不就是打仗用的坦克吗? LL: No, this has nothing to do with the tank used in a war. This “tank” is a verb. When something “tanks” that means that it is a complete failure. LH: 哦~,这个 tank 和军用坦克啊毫无关系.这里说的 tank 是个动词,意思就是完全失败.所有的剧评家都批评 Laura 的舞台剧啊,那真是太惨了.可怜的 Laura! LL: Yeah, no wonder she clammed up. I wouldn't want to talk about it if one of my projects tanked, either. LH: 就是啊,自己的成果啊被别人这样批评,心情一定不好受.对了, Larry,为甚么大家不喜欢 Laura 的剧本呢? LL: I have no idea. I haven't seen or read her play, so I have no way of judging her work. Laura is a good playwright, I don't understand why her work tanked. LH: 嗯,没有看过她的剧本啊我们是很难判断.不过, Laura 确实是一个很好的剧作家.也许啊我们应该去看看她写的舞台剧,说不定没有这么糟么嘛。 LL: Even if the play really is terrible, we could at least show our support by going to see it. LH: 你说的对,不管啊是好是坏,我们去看就代表我们对 Laura 的支持.好!我去问她在哪儿可以买票. Larry,那你甚么时候有空去看呢? LL: Let's go this Friday. Originally, I had planned to see a movie this Friday, but the movie I wanted to see tanked, so I might as well go and see Laura's play. LH: 怎么就这么巧啊?你要看的电影也失败啦.好,就这么说定了.我去买票,星期五啊我们就去看 Laura 的舞台剧啰! 今天李华学到两个常用语.第一个是: clam up,是指“一个人不肯把心里的话告诉别人”.另一个常用语是: to tank,也就是“失败”的意思。