流行口語 第169課(在线收听

李华的教授刚添了个女儿.李华和 Larry 准备去拜访这位教授,向他们表示祝贺.今天李华会学到两个常用语: wiped out 和 cutie-pie。
LH: 嘿! Larry,我想去看看琼斯教授和他太太.他们的女儿 Sarah 现在也应该有几个星期大了!
LL: Aren't you worried they are too wiped out to have company?
LH: Wiped out?你说琼斯教授他们怎么样了啊?
LL: Too wiped out means they must be really tired. I am sure they haven't gotten much sleep with a new baby in the house.
LH: 哦~, Wiped-out 就是很疲乏的意思.添了小宝宝他们俩啊可能都睡不好.不过我想,我们早一点去拜访他们,坐一会儿就走,应该没问题吧.我听说啊 baby Sarah 真的很可爱吔!
LL: OK, That sounds good, but we should call before we go. You know, I am amazed Professor Jones is still teaching classes considering how wiped out he must be.
LH: 就是啊,虽然很累,琼斯教授还来上课呢!真是令人佩服!我啊,只要想到去上课都好累,更何况我还没有小宝宝呢。
LL: You're right! Just going to work every day wipes me out. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to get up so many times in the middle of the night to feed the baby and change diapers.
LH: 没错,半夜里要起来好几次喂奶,换尿布,真是难以想象.我可受不了。
LL:Wait until you have your own baby, you wouldn't mind to be wiped out.
LL: And before we go we probably should stop somewhere and get a card and present for the baby. You aren't too wiped out to do a little shopping first, are you?
LH: 说到逛街买礼物啊,我才不会觉得累呢!特别是买那些可爱的小宝宝衣服.我再累啊也愿意去!
LL: I should have known!
LH: 好,那我现在就给琼斯教授打电话!
LH: Larry,你觉得 baby Sarah 是不是真的好可爱喔?
LL: She was indeed. She was a real cutie-pie!
LH: A cutie-WHAT?你怎么说她是个派啊? Pie?那不是一种点心吗?
LL: Well, a "cutie-pie" isn't actually a pie like the desert, but means someone who is very cute.
LH: 原来如此,cutie-pie不是指点心,而是指人长的很可爱.小宝宝 Sarah 眼睛大大的,再加上圆圆的脸蛋,真是可爱! She’s certainly a cutie-pie!
LL: And little Sarah certainly takes after her mother. Professor Jones's wife is a cutie-pie, too!
LH: 吔, Larry,琼斯教授的太太可是已婚妇女哦!就算你觉得她长的可爱,恐怕也没机会了吧.我劝你啊,还是多注意身边是不是还有其它可爱的女孩儿吧!
LL: Do you have any one in mind?
LH: 说起来,我还真有几个长的很可爱的女朋友吔,或许可以给你介绍一个,让你们出去吃个饭或看电影什么的啊。
LL: Well, you would be a real sweetie-pie if you would give one of them a call and say nice things about me.
LH: 疑?等等,我以为你刚才教我的是 cutie-pie,怎么现在你又说我是个 sweetie-pie?
LL: Sweetie-pie just means you are a very nice person. "Cutie-pie" and "sweetie-pie" are both often used to describe young children.
LH: 哦~,Sweetie-pie 和 cutie-pie 往往是形容小孩儿.那我是不是可以叫你 "oldy-pie"?因为啊你可不年轻啰。
LL: Sorry, Li Hua, it’s just "sweetie-pie" or "cutie-pie." That's it.
LH: 我知道,跟你开玩笑而已,而且你也不老. Larry,你这么热心教我英语啊,你真是个 sweetie-pie。
  今天李华学到了两个常用语.一个是: wiped out,是“形容一个人很疲乏”.另一个常用语是: cutie-pie,是“形容一个人长的很可爱”. Sweetie-pie 则是“指一个人心地善良、热心助人”。

