乔布斯传 第329期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(2)(在线收听

   When Catmull, Jobs, and Lasseter got settled at the conference table, Katzenberg was forthright.  卡特穆尔、乔布斯和拉塞特在会议室一落座,卡曾伯格就看着拉塞特,开门见山地说:

  "John, since you won't come work for me," he said, looking at Lasseter, "I'm going to make it work this way." “约翰,既然你不愿意来为我工作,我们就用这样的方式来合作吧。”
  Just as the Disney company shared some traits with Pixar, so Katzenberg shared some with Jobs.  不仅迪士尼公司跟皮克斯彼此之间有一些共同点,卡曾伯格跟乔布斯也是如此。
  Both were charming when they wanted to be, and aggressive (or worse) when it suited their moods or interests.  两人都善于施展魅力,当兴之所至或情绪高涨时也都富有攻击性(甚至更糟)。
  Alvy Ray Smith, on the verge of quitting Pixar, was at the meeting.  即将离开皮克斯的阿尔维·雷·史密斯当时也参加了这次会议。
  "Katzenberg and Jobs impressed me as a lot alike," he recalled. "Tyrants with an amazing gift of gab." “卡曾伯格跟乔布斯的相像给我留下了深刻印象,”他回忆说,“都是具有惊人口才的暴君。”
  Katzenberg was delightfully aware of this. "Everybody thinks I'm a tyrant," he told the Pixar team.  卡曾伯格对此自鸣得意。“所有人都认为我是个暴君,”他告诉皮克斯团队,
  "I am a tyrant. But I'm usually right." One can imagine Jobs saying the same.  “我也确实是个暴君。但我通常是正确的。”可以想象,乔布斯也会这么说。
  As befitted two men of equal passion, the negotiations between Katzenberg and Jobs took months.  同样富有激情的卡曾伯格和乔布斯,两人之间光是谈判就用了好几个月。
  Katzenberg insisted that Disney be given the rights to Pixar's proprietary technology for making 3-D animation.  卡曾伯格坚持要皮克斯授杈迪士尼使用其专利技术制作3D动画。
  Jobs refused, and he ended up winning that engagement.  乔布斯说不行,最终他胜利了。
  Jobs had his own demand: Pixar would have part ownership of the film and its characters,  乔布斯也有他自己的要求:皮克斯要对制作的电影及其角色拥有部分所有权,
  sharing control of both video rights and sequels.  并共同控制影片版权和续集。
  "If that's what you want," Katzenberg said, "we can just quit talking and you can leave now." “如果那是你想要的,”卡曾伯格说,“我们就不用谈了,你现在就可以走。”