乔布斯传 第337期:停下来!(4)(在线收听

   Ed Catmull, more diplomatic than Jobs, was able to reach a compromise new budget. 埃德·卡特穆尔比乔布斯要圆滑得多,他能够解决问题。

  "I had a much more positive view of Jeffrey than some of the folks working on the film did," he said. “我对杰弗里的看法比其他一些做这部电影的同事要正面得多。”他说。
  But the incident did prompt Jobs to start plotting about how to have more leverage with Disney in the future. 但是这件事确实促使乔布斯开始策划如何在未来对迪士尼有更大的影响力。
  He did not like being a mere contractor; he liked being in control. 他不想仅仅做个承包商。他喜欢控制局面。
  That meant Pixar would have to bring its own funding to projects in the future, and it would need a new deal with Disney. 这意味着皮克斯未来必须把自己的资金带进项目,并且跟迪士尼重新谈判。
  As the film progressed, Jobs became ever more excited about it. 随着电影制作的进展,乔布斯越来越为之兴奋。
  He had been talking to various companies, ranging from Hallmark to Microsoft, about selling Pixar, 他跟很多公司谈过出售皮克斯--从贺曼贺卡到微软,
  but watching Woody and Buzz come to life made him realize that he might be on the verge of transforming the movie industry. 但是看到胡迪和巴斯的诞生,他意识到他可能即将改变电影业。
  As scenes from the movie were finished, he watched them repeatedly and had friends come by his home to share his new passion. 当电影一幕幕完成后,他会反复观看,并邀请朋友到他家分享他的新爱好。
  "I can't tell you the number of versions of Toy Story I saw before it came out," said Larry Ellison. “我都没法儿跟你说我在《玩具总动员》出品前总共看了多少个版本,”拉里·埃利森说,
  "It eventually became a form of torture. I'd go over there and see the latest 10% improvement. “到最后,这就变成了一种折磨。我要去他家看最新的那10%改进的内容。
  Steve is obsessed with getting it right--both the story and the technology 史蒂夫执迷于把一切都做好--无论是情节还是技术,
  and isn't satisfied with anything less than perfection." 任何不完美的东西他都不会满意。”