2016年CRI China, Laos seek to upgrade bilateral ties to a new level(在线收听


Following a meeting with Laotian Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says preparations for Septemer's summit in Vientiane are moving along well.

"We are looking to announce a Joint Statement for the Commemorative Summit, as well as a Joint Statement for China-ASEAN Cooperation in Productivity. We will also pass a five-year-plan for China-Laos exchanges in education. We also plan to make 2017 the 'year of China-Laos cooperation in tourism'. China will keep close communication and coordination with ASEAN members, including Laos, in implementing the above agenda and other cooperative events, so as to upgrade its ties with ASEAN to a new level."

Wang Yi also says he and his counterpart from Laos have also discussed the idea of linking their respective development strategies.

"We should link China's 'Belt and Road' initiative with Laos' strategy of turning itself from a landlocked country into a 'land-linked' country, meanwhile make joint efforts to speed up the signing of documents such as the outline for 'Belt and Road' cooperation, the list of key projects concerning cooperation in productivity and investment, the five-year-plan for economic cooperation and the agreements to strengthen economic cooperation in border regions. We should accelerate the construction of the China-Laos railway as soon as possible, making it a milestone project that marks the friendship between China and Laos."

For his part, Laotian Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith says he's pleased with the results of his meeting with Wang Yi.

"China remains and will be one of the most important ASEAN dialogue partners. Therefore, Laos, as chair of ASEAN 2016, always advocates the close cooperation between ASEAN and China. We would work with China together with Singapore as country coordinator for China in order for us to be able to prepare for the commemorative summit of ASEAN and China to be held next month in Vientiane, in order for us to make sure that we have a great conclusion of that commemorative summit."

China and the Laos are also celebrating their 55th anniversary of diplomatic ties this year.

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
