经济学人:土耳其白色家电 清洁(下)(在线收听

   Much came from western Europe. 大部分利润来自欧洲西部。

  It counts as a rare bright light for corporate Turkey. 这对于土耳其公司来说是一次极为珍贵的机会。
  Its Beko brand of kitchen and other appliances is among the most popular in Britain as shoppers switched to lowish-priced goods after the financial crisis. 金融危机之后,消费者都倾向购买价格低廉的物品,土耳其公司旗下销售厨房用具的BEKO品牌以及别的各种电气用具因此广受消费者的欢迎并且立即成为了英国最热门的品牌。
  The firm aims to be among the top three in every European market as it expands in the face of bigger rivals, notably Electrolux of Sweden and Germany's BSH. 该公司的目标是跻身于欧洲市场的前三名,并且继续扩展增强自身竞争力,力争与瑞典的伊莱克斯和德国的BSH旗鼓相当。
  Size is important. 规模是非常重要的。
  Industry consolidation leaves smallish firms at risk of being swallowed,  工业合并的潮流给了许多小型企业被吞并的风险。
  though Arcelik looks secure because it is mostly owned by Koc Holding, one of two hefty, family-run conglomerates in Turkey. 尽管像阿奇力克这样的公司仍然在行业兼并浪潮中屹立不倒,那是因为公司背后有KOC集团(一个位于土耳其庞大的家族企业)撑腰。
  What is more, firms' success depends on their devoting resources to research, such as for finding uses once appliances are digitally connected via the “internet of things”. 更为重要的是,企业的成功依赖于其投入的研究资源,比如一旦通过“物联网”设备进行数字化连接,就能物尽其用。
  Arcelik brags of securing lots of patents. 阿奇力克公司吹嘘其已经获得了大量专利。
  It touts an oven that chills food by day before cooking it in the evening. 诸如一项专利是一款特制烤箱,将冷藏的食物在食用的前一天晚上放入烤箱即可。
  Another innovation is a fridge that tests gases released by food such as meat when it is going off. 另一个创新发明则是能通过冰箱内事物的气体来判断类似肉类的食物是否变质。
  A bigger growth spurt, however, depends on the firm breaking into Asia's fast-growing markets. 然而,公司更大的增长速度取决于打入亚洲快速增长的市场。
  That means competing with global giants, notably Haier Group of China. 这意味着与全球巨头的竞争,尤其是中国的海尔集团。
  Arcelik is trying. 阿奇立克正在努力。
  It has a factory and sells in China. 它有一个工厂并在中国销售。
  Last year it bought a Pakistani producer of white goods for $243m, and opened a fridge factory in Thailand. 去年它花2.43亿美元买了一个巴基斯坦的白色家电生产商,并在泰国开了一家冰箱生产厂。
  Last month Mr Bulgurlu trumpeted a $100m joint venture with Tata, one of India's largest companies, to make and sell fridges under a local brand, Voltas.  上个月,保格鲁先生鼓吹拿出1亿美元与印度最大企业之一塔塔合资,用来生产和销售本地品牌Voltas的冰箱。
  (It will import other goods from Turkey.) (它将从土耳其进口其他商品。)
  He talks, optimistically, of annual sales in India reaching $1bn within a decade. 保格鲁先生乐观地谈到,印度在十年内每年销售额会达到10亿美元。
  Doing business in such spots can be tough, but with experience in Iraq and Syria, Arcelik clearly expects all to come out in the wash. 在这样的地方做生意可能会很难,但通过在伊拉克和叙利亚的经验,阿奇立克显然希望一切所有水落石出。