绿箭侠第一季 第331期:获悉沃尔特的死讯(在线收听

   I heard you never miss.  我听说你从没失手过

  I don't. Where's Walter Steele? 是没有。沃尔特·斯蒂尔在哪?
  What? What are you talking about, huh?  什么,你在说什么?
  6 months ago you had him kidnapped!  六个月前你把他绑架了
  It was just a job. I was given a name. I didn't ask any questions.  这是我的工作,我只是得到一个名字。我没问任何问题。
  Last chance. Where is he? 最后一次。他在哪?
  Below ground. You're lying! 在地下。撒谎!
  I'm not. I delivered him and they killed him. 我没有,是我送他去的,然后他们把他杀了。
  I heard the gunshot. He's dead. 我听见了枪声。他死了。
  Oh, let's see that blouse in that violet shade.  看看那件有紫色阴影的衬衫
  You're a miracle worker, Thea.  你真是个魔法工作者,西娅
  Oh, when it comes to shopping, it's not work, really.  购物对我来说,根本就不是工作
  Hey. I'm teaching mom the joys of online clothes shopping. Ollie? Are you ok? 我正在教妈妈感受网购的乐趣呢。奥利?你还好吗?
  I need to talk to you both. What is it? 我想跟你们两个谈谈。怎么了?
  It's about Walter.  是关于沃尔特的
  Did the police contact you?  警察跟你联系了
  One of Mr. Diggle's army buddies works for the FBI now. 是狄格尔先生的一个战友,他现在为联邦调查局工作。
  And they got news tonight. No. I'm very sorry. 他们今天晚上接到了消息。不。我很抱歉。
  No, no, no, no, no. There must be some mistake.  不,不,不。肯定是哪里搞错了?
  Who did Mr. Diggle talk to? Did they find a body? Mom. Walter's gone. 谁跟狄格尔先生说的?他们找到尸体了吗?妈妈,沃尔特死了。
  No. This isn't right. Where are you going? Out. 不,这不是真的。你要去哪?出去。
  It's 10:00 at night. I need some air. 已经晚上十点了啊。我要去透透气。
  Mom, you're in shock. Don't tell me what or how I feel, Oliver. 妈妈,你刚受了刺激。我的感受不用你告诉我,奥利弗。
  Why is she acting like that? Come here. 她为什么会那样?过来。