绿箭侠第一季 第338期:港口离别(2)(在线收听

   Sara? You here? Yeah, you might want to circle around the block a few times, 莎拉,到了吗?你可能得在附近溜达几圈

  because your sister just showed up.  你姐姐过来了
  Hi. What are you doing here?  你来这儿干嘛
  You're leaving for 3 weeks. I wanted to come say bye to you in person. 你要离开三个星期。我想亲口跟你说再见。
  I'm glad you did.  我很高兴你能来
  And... I wanted to bring you something. In case you get lonely at sea. Thank you. 而且...我给你带了件东西。以防你在海上寂寞。谢谢你。
  Hey, is everything OK?  一切都还好吗
  I mean, I didn't totally freak you out when I brought up the whole apartment thing earlier, did I? 我是说,当我提起同居的事情时没有吓到你吧
  No. Good. No. But I do have to get back to the boat. Yeah. 没有。那就好。没有。但是我得回船上去了。好吧。
  Is it done?  安排好了吗
  Yes. The bomb is in place.  是的,炸弹已经放好了
  And there's a storm front moving in along the "Gambit's" projected course. 而且有一场风暴正在"金牌"号的预定航线上移动。
  OK. When the "Queen's Gambit" goes down, 好的。"金牌奎恩"号沉没的时候,
  no one will suspect it's anything other than an act of God.  所有人都会认为这是一场天灾。