绿箭侠第一季 第340期:奥利弗上门找狄格(在线收听

   I guess you do know where I live.  我就知道你知道我的住处

  I've always known where you live. May I? I'm sorry. 我一直都知道。能进去吗?对不起。
  You were right. And I was wrong. About deadshot? 你是对的。是我错了。关于死亡射手吗?
  About everything. About my mother and about her involvement in the undertaking.  关于一切。关于我母亲还有她和事件的关系。
  She lied to me. To thea. 她对我撒谎了。还有西娅。
  She's working with Malcolm Merlyn.  她和马尔科姆·梅林共事
  They're planning something. Something... terrible. 他们在计划一些事情。一些...可怕的事。
  I don't know what yet.  我还不知道是什么。
  But I just know one thing.  我只知道一件事
  I need your help to stop them.  我需要你帮我阻止他们。