绿箭侠第一季 第345期:齐聚一堂(在线收听

   You! Save it. We don't have the luxury of indulging in vendettas. 是你!省省吧。我们可没空让你复仇。

  Ba! Shado. You led Fyers right to us, you coward! 爸!莎朵。你指引法尔斯找到了我们,你这懦夫!
  Fyers was about to fire bomb the entire forest just to eliminate you. 法尔斯开始打算炸掉整个森林,来干掉你们。
  This way, you all have a chance. 这样的话你们还有一线生机
  Well, pray I don't get the chance to repay your mercy. 你最好祈祷我没机会回报你的"仁慈"
  How fitting. Everyone reunited for the end. 真合适。大家齐聚一堂,来迎接终结。
  End of what? What is all this for? 什么终结?这一切是为了什么?
  HKIA, this is Ferris Air Flight 637 out of Berlin, nonstop to Hong Kong. 香港国际机场,这是菲利斯航空637号班机飞离柏林,直达香港。
  We are steady on approach at 33,000 feet and winds at 15 knots. 我们稳定驶向33000英尺的高空,风速为15节。
  Eta, two hours, 15 minutes, over. 预计两小时15分钟后抵达,完毕。
  Ferris 637, this is HKIA. 菲利斯637号,这是香港国际机场。
  Adjust course to 0.6 degrees south, 11 minutes, over. 将航线调整为偏南0.6度,11分,完毕。
  Roger, HKIA. Why the course change? 收到,香港国际机场。为什么要改变航线?
  Nothing to worry about, 637. Just looking to make sure you avoid a little turbulence. 无须担心,637号。只是为了让飞机躲过湍流。
  Roger that. Adjusting course now. 收到。正在调整航线。
  They're altering course, sir. The plane will be in range of Lian Yu in 26 minutes. 他们正在改变航线,头儿。飞机将在26分钟后到达炼狱的范围。
  Good. Keep tracking it. 很好。继续追踪。
  That's a commercial airliner, Fyers. It's not like it can land here. 那是商务班机,法尔斯。又没法子在这里降落。
  It won't be landing anywhere, Mr. Queen. I'm going to destroy it. 奎恩先生,飞机不会降落。我要炸掉它。