打工姐妹花第二季 第18期:专属情人?(在线收听

   Hey, girls. Hey, Sophie. 姑娘们。你好啊,苏菲。

  You know, every time I come here, I'm surprised you're still open. 我每次来光顾都在惊讶,你们店怎么还没倒闭。
  Here you go, Sophie. 给,苏菲
  Where's the little asian woman that always hands me my menu? 那个每次都给我递菜单的小亚洲姑娘哪去了?
  Asian woman? You mean Han? Sophie, Han's a man. 亚洲姑娘?你是说阿憨吗?苏菲,阿憨是男的。
  If you say so. Is there anything special tonight? 你说是就是吧。今晚有什么特别菜吗?
  Yes. Here I am... with treats for my sweet. 有的。特别菜来也,还带了礼物给我的小甜心。
  Day-glo zebra? That's my favorite animal. 荧光斑马纹。我最爱斑马了。
  Oh, and edible underwear! That's my favorite snack. 可食用内衣裤。那是我最爱的点心呢。
  Yeah, and they're crotchless, so less carbs. 而且内裤无裆,让你少吃点碳水化合物
  Oh, and my favorite microwavable lube. 还有我最爱的可微波润滑液
  And what's this? Toothbrushes? Oh, that's going to hurt you, but okay. 这是什么?牙刷吗?你会疼的吧,不过你喜欢就好。
  No, I want to leave them at your house. Now that you and I are exclusive. 不,我是想把这些留在你家。毕竟我们俩现在是专属情人了。
  Exclusive? Wait, hold phone. Are you telling me that you and I are not exclusive? 专属情人吗。等等,我先问清。你觉得我们俩还没到专属情人的地步吗?
  Exclusive? Oh, come on. Stop it now. Go on Jay Leno. 专属情人吗?哎哟,逗死我了。要被你逗死了,接着说笑啊。
  Caroline, did you think Sophie and I were exclusive? 卡洛琳,你觉得我和苏菲到专属对方的地步了吗
  Well, you have stopped showing us your penis. 你现在的确是不对我们露鸟了
  Exactly! If that's not exclusive, I don't know what is. 就是嘛!这都不算对你一心一意,那什么才算。
  Exclusive! Oh, my God. 还一心一意呢。我要笑死了。
  Oh, come on, stop it, before I-- It happened. I split my spanx. 别逗我了,不然我要...来不及了。我的塑身衣笑崩了。