打工姐妹花第二季 第22期:机器还是人类(在线收听

   Okay, what if we just send Martha an E-mail, 这样吧,我们给她发封电邮如何

  so we're not just standing in her office, begging some receptionist? 这样就不用去到她办公楼,求前台放我们进去了
  That won't do anything. Yes, it will. 那样一点屁用都没有。有用的。
  I craft amazing business E-mails. I went to Wharton. 我超会写商业电邮呢。我可是沃顿高材生呢。
  Please don't, Max. That's all I have left. 求你嘴下留情,我就剩这点资本了
  Max, Caroline, I found something at the restaurant trade show you might be interested in. 麦克斯,卡洛琳,我在餐馆贸易展览里发现了点你们会感兴趣的东西哦。
  The only restaurant trade I'm interested in is if we can exchange you for anybody else. 我唯一有兴趣的餐馆贸易,就是看能不能把你以物易物走。
  You won't be laughing in a minute. 看了你就不会笑我了
  Look, it's a cupcake from the new state-of-the-art cupcake ATM machine. 你看,这是我从最新研发的自助小蛋糕机买来的小蛋糕。
  Sprinkles cupcakes plans to be put them everywhere. 人家连锁小蛋糕店打算城里广设这机器
  Soon, everyone will be able to just push a button. 很快,大家只需按下按钮
  Day or night, and get the cupcake. 无论白天黑夜,随时都能吃到小蛋糕
  So, I guess what I'm saying is, you might be screwed. 所以我想说的是,你们俩可能完了。
  Delicious... And no attitude. 美味可口。不用受气。
  Well, more bad luck. I thought you were kidding, but the machines are taking over. 坏运气接踵而至。我原本以为你在开玩笑,但机器真的要取代人类了。
  We can't compete with that. The business is done. Game over. 我们斗不过机器。我们的生意完蛋了,游戏结束。
  Man, you are never gonna make it in the future. 天啊,你这种态度怎么在未来混啊
  This is where the humans fight. 人类就应该在此时奋起反击
  This is where we march down to Martha Stewart and demand a damn blurb. 我们就应该在此时,向玛莎·斯图尔特示威,要求她帮我们大力宣传。
  So we can compete with the machines... Just like in "Terminator 2: rise of the desserts." 这样我们才能跟机器斗,就像《终结者2:甜点的觉醒》。
  Fine. Let's go see Martha. She's our only hope. 好吧,我们去找玛莎。她是我们唯一的希望了。
  My lucky necklace is gone. We can no longer just wait for magic to happen. 我的幸运项链没了。我们不能再坐等奇迹发生。
  Uh, thank you, by the way, for never telling me that our former plan was magic. 对了,谢谢你啊,从没告诉我,原本的计划是等天降鸿福。