打工姐妹花第二季 第29期:不停互扇耳光(在线收听

   Max, I can't wait to go home and illegally download that documentary about performance art. 麦克斯,我等不及要回家非法下载那个行为艺术的纪录片了。

  And I can't wait to go home and watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. 我也迫不及待想回家看《甜心波波来啦》。
  But first, you have to see this. Her name's Marina Abramovic. 但你得先跟我看这纪录片。她的名字叫玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇。
  In the '90s, she and her boyfriend did this piece called Confrontation 在20世纪90年代,她和她的男友共同创作了名为《对峙》的作品,
  where they just slapped each other's faces for days. Oh, yeah? 内容就是两人不停互扇耳光。是吗?
  My mom and her boyfriend did that too, but they called it, "Who smoked the last cigarette" 我妈妈和她男友也干过这"艺术",不过他们的作品名为《谁抽了最后一根烟》。
  No, really, it was pure art. She's a genius. 不,我说真的,这是纯艺术呀。她可是个天才。
  How about you and I do a little art right now? 我们俩现在也来搞"艺术"如何
  What are they doing? 她们在干嘛
  I think they might be doing a scene from Fifty shades of grey. 我觉得她们可能在演绎情欲小说《五十度灰》里面的场景。
  Ah, okay, stop. Okay. 好了,住手。好吧。
  That's for suggesting we make a lip-synch video to Call Me Maybe. 这巴掌是因为你拐我跟你录《Call Me Maybe》的假唱影片。