Business Channel 2007-05-07&09(在线收听

We have more tonight on the subject of spending. But this has to do with the American household budget. Tonight, in the State of California alone, gasoline is now at an all-time record-high price per gallon, and food prices are rising sharply these days. And it turns out there is an important link between the two. We have two reports tonight beginning with the high cost of our national auto addiction. George Lewis stands by with that from Los Angeles tonight.

George, good evening.

Good evening, Brian. Gasoline hit an all-time record-high today in Los Angeles, averaging three dollars forty-one cents a gallon, according to the Auto Club. And the rest of the nation is not far behind.

It’s a daily routine now --- gas stations' posting price hikes. The national average for a regular is up more than a cent from yesterday, up thirty one cents from last month, and how high could it go?

Anything can happen this summer, I mean, right now, the path we’re on is a path towards record-high prices, maybe even four dollars a gallon.

Energy experts say accidents at refineries and the shortage of refining capacity are big factors driving the price hikes.

So, are people changing their driving habits. Californian Saso Casosora says he’s saving money by riding his motorcycle to work instead of his car.

To fill up my motorcycle is twelve dollars. To fill up my car will be fifty dollars. So it's almost a difference like forty dollars a week.

He is the exception. Researchers say that across the country, drivers are not overcoming their addiction to gasoline in spite of high prices.

We find that average fuel economy today from 2000 to 2005 was flat, despite a 70% increase in gas prices.

In Chicago, florist Joe Yellas says the cost of fueling up his delivery trucks is hurting his bottom line.

Some 15% more of the business of our profits.

He's had to raise delivery charges to make up the difference, something his customers hate.

They’re upset with it, like we all are.

And there’s no question people are upset.

I think gas prices are, are outrageous.

And likely to get worse, as the country heads into the summer driving season.


1. all-time

Exceeding all others up to the present time

2. refinery

A refinery is composed of a group of chemical engineering unit processes and unit operations used for refining certain materials or converting raw material into products of value.

3. bottom line

the least amount of money that you are willing to accept in a business deal
