夏洛的网 第161期:蟋蟀(4)(在线收听

   Charlotte had worries of her own, 夏洛也有它自己担心的事,

  but she kept quiet about them. 不过它闭口不言。
  One morning Wilbur asked her about the Fair. 一天早晨,威尔伯问它集市的事。
  "You're going with me, aren't you, Charlotte?" he said “你和我一起去,对吗,夏洛?“它说。
  "Well, I don't know," replied Charlotte. “这个嘛,我不知道,”夏洛回答说,
  "The Fair comes at a bad time for me. “对我来说,集市来得不是时候。
  I shall find it inconvenient to leave home, even for a few days." 这时候,我不便离开家,哪怕只去几天。”
  "Why?" asked Wilbur. “为什么呢?”威尔伯问它。
  "Oh, I just don't feel like leaving my web. “噢,我就是觉得不想离开我这张网。
  Too much going on around here." 这里事情太多了。”
  "Please come with me!" begged Wilbur. “请和我一起去吧!”威尔伯问它,
  "I need you, Charlotte. “我需要你,夏洛。
  I can't stand going to the Fair without you. 不和你一起上集市去,我要受不了的。
  You've just got to come." 你就是得去。”
  "No," said Charlotte, "I believe I'd better stay home and see if I can't get some work done." “不,”夏洛说,“我想我最好留在家里,看能不能找到点活儿干。”
  "What kind of work?" asked Wilbur. “什么活儿呢?”威尔伯问道。
  "Egg laying. It's time I made an egg sac and filled it with eggs." “产卵。是我该做一个卵袋,在里面装满卵的时候了。”
  "I didn't know you could lay eggs," said Wilbur in amazement. “我不知道你会产卵。”威尔伯惊讶地说。
  "Oh, sure," said the spider. "I'm versatile." “噢,当然,”蜘蛛说,“我是多才多艺的。”
  "What does 'versatile' mean - full of eggs?" asked Wilbur. “‘多才多艺’是什么意思——是满是卵吗?”威尔伯问道。
  "Certainly not," said Charlotte. “当然不是,”夏洛说,
  "'Versatile' means I can turn with ease from one thing to another. “‘多才多艺’这意思是我能很容易地从一样东西变成另一样东西,
  It means I don't have to limit my activities to spinning and trapping and stunts like that." 表示我不用把我的活动局限在结网、捕捉昆虫这些绝活。”