夏洛的网 第164期:上集市去(2)(在线收听

   Down in the barn cellar, the animals, too, went to sleep early, 在下面谷仓底,动物也睡得很早,

  all except Charlotte. 只除了夏洛。
  Tomorrow would be Fair Day. 第二天就是赶集市的日子。
  Every creature planned to get up early to see Wilbur off on his great adventure. 所有动物都打算早起,欢送威尔伯去碰它的大运气。
  When morning came, everybody got up at daylight. 第二天早晨,大家天一亮就起来。
  The day was hot. 这一天很热。
  Up the road at the Arables' house, 在那头的阿拉布尔太太家,
  Fern lugged a pail of hot water to her room and took a sponge bath. 弗恩费力地提着一桶热水到她的房间洗了个澡,用海绵擦了身。
  Then she put on her prettiest dress 然后她穿上自己最漂亮的连衣裙,
  because she knew she would see boys at the Fair. 因为她知道在集市里会看到男孩子。
  Mrs. Arable scrubbed the back of Avery's neck, and wet his hair, and parted it, 阿拉布尔太太把艾弗里的后颈擦干净,弄湿他的头发,把头发分开,
  and brushed it down hard till it stuck to the top of his head 狠狠地刷,直到头发平贴在头顶上为止
  - all but about six hairs that stood straight up. ——头发基本上服帖,只有六根左右还是翘起来。
  Avery put on clean underwear, clean blue jeans, and a clean shirt. 艾弗里穿上干净底衫、干净牛仔裤、干净衬衫。
  Mr. Arable dressed, ate breakfast, and then went out and polished his truck. 阿拉布尔先生穿好了衣服,吃过早饭,然后出来擦他的卡车。
  He had offered to drive everybody to the Fair, including Wilbur. 他已经答应用车送大家去集市,包括威尔伯。
  Bright and early,  Lurvy put clean straw in Wilbur's crate 这边,勒维已经早早在威尔伯的板条箱里铺上干净麦草,
  and lifted it into the pigpen. 拿进猪圈。
  The crate was green. 板条箱漆成绿色,
  In gold letters it said: 上面写着金色大字: