夏洛的网 第168期:上集市去(6)(在线收听

   "That's because you've never been to one," remarked the old sheep. “那是因为你从来没有去过,”老羊说,

  "A fair is a rat's paradise. “集市是老鼠的乐园。
  Everybody spills food at a fair. 集市里人人扔食物。
  A rat can creep out late at night and have a feast. 老鼠夜里可以出来大吃特吃。
  In the horse barn you will find oats that the trotters and pacers have spilled. 在马棚里,你会找到马洒落的燕麦;
  In the trampled grass of the infield you will find old discarded lunch boxes 在场地上践踏过的草丛中,你会找到扔下的旧饭盒,
  containing the foul remains of peanut butter sandwiches, 里面有吃剩的花生酱三明治、
  hard-boiled eggs, 煮鸡蛋、
  cracker crumbs, 饼干屑、
  bits of doughnuts, 炸面圈屑、
  and particles of cheese. 干酪屑;
  In the hard-packed dirt of the midway, 在游艺场的硬泥地上,
  after the glaring lights are out and the people have gone home to bed, 等到闪亮的灯关了,人们回家睡觉去了,
  you will find a veritable treasure of popcorn fragments, 你会找到真正的宝贝:累坏的孩子们扔下的爆米花、
  frozen custard dribblings, 一滴滴奶油冰淇淋、
  candied apples abandoned by tired children, 冰糖苹果,
  sugar fluff crystals, 还有棉花糖、
  salted almonds, 盐水杏仁、
  popsicles, 冰棍、
  partially gnawed ice cream cones, 咬剩的冰淇淋蛋卷筒、
  and the wooden sticks of lollypops. 棒棒糖棍。
  Everywhere is loot for a rat 到处都是老鼠的好东西
  - in tents, in booths, in hay lofts ——在帐篷里,在货亭里,在干草阁楼上
  - why, a fair has enough disgusting leftover food to satisfy a whole army of rats." ——这还用说,集市上留下了足够的让人恶心的食物,够大队老鼠吃个痛快。”
  Templeton's eyes were blazing. 坦普尔顿听了,眼睛一下子发亮了。
  "Is this true?" he asked. "Is this appetizing yarn of yours true? “这是真的吗?”它问道,“你说的这些吊胃口的故事奇谈是真的吗?
  I like high living, and what you say tempts me." 我喜欢高档生活,你说的东西引得我直流口水。”