打工姐妹花第二季 第30期:餐馆遭遇抢劫犯(在线收听

   What's up, my man? You look pretty down. 怎么了,伙计,你看起来很低落呀

  My mother in korea is working my last nerve, you know, Earl? 厄尔,我远在韩国的妈妈快让我精神崩溃了。
  Well, uh, I didn't expect a back and forth here. 我只是假客套问一下,没想到你会回我
  Uh, Max, do you wanna move in? 麦克斯,你来帮我接一下吧
  Han, you can't let your mommy keep bullying you. 阿憨,你不能老让你妈骑你头上欺负你
  Stand up to her. You're a 53-year-old man. 要起身反抗,你都53岁了
  Max, I am 29. What? I am 29. 麦克斯,我才29岁。怎么可能?我就是29岁呀。
  What do you got, a case of the Benjamin Buttons? Caroline, Han says he's 29. 那你是怎么了,跟本杰明·巴顿一样吗?卡洛琳,阿憨说他才29岁。
  What? Han, are you sure? 怎么可能?阿憨,你确定吗?
  Yes, what makes you think I'm older? 当然,你们为什么觉得我很老呢
  Well, everything-- your hair, your clothes, the $5 check you gave me for my birthday. 从头到脚都老啊,你的发型,衣着,你像老人一样开5块钱的生日红包支票给我。
  Hi, can I help you? Ooh, that sounded so sincere. 您好,有何能为您效劳?哇,这语气真诚得我都要掉眼泪了。
  Well, when you're in my section, you'll meet the real me. 等你坐到我那区,你就会见识到真实的我啦
  I have one question. Do you wanna live? 我有个问题。你想活吗?
  Actually, today, I could go either way. 以今天来说嘛...都可以吧
  You see this? Go around the diner and have everyone fill it with the contents of their purse, 瞧见了吗?去叫餐厅里的所有人把包里的财物都扔进去这袋子,
  and if you do, nobody gets hurt. 你乖乖合作,大家都能平安无事
  Okay, okay, okay, but, uh, I don't know how much you're gonna collect here. 好啦,知道了,但我不知道你能收多少钱上来哦。
  I mean, most of these customers pay with coins or fresh tomatoes from their garden. 因为这里大部分的顾客都是用硬币或自家花园的新鲜番茄买单。
  Uh, Earl, listen up. We're being robbed by that man in the suit, 厄尔,听着。那边穿着大衣的男人是来抢劫的,
  and he wants everyone to empty their stuff into this bag. 他要求大家把财物都丢到这个袋子里
  Uh, Max, I've been on both sides of this situation, and the best thing to do is play along. 麦克斯,抢人与被抢我都有经验,顺着他的意才是上策。