打工姐妹花第二季 第31期:阿憨制服抢劫犯(在线收听

   Okay, Caroline, I'm gonna tell you something, and I don't want you to react. 卡洛琳,我要跟你说件事,但我不想你做出过激反应。

  I knew you were gonna get pregnant. Damn it! 我就知道你的肚子会被人搞大,靠!
  All right, fine. We'll get through this together. No! 算了。我们可以一起度过这个难关。不是啦!
  Look, we're being robbed, and that guy in the suit might have a gun. 听着,我们被人抢劫了,那个大衣人可能有枪。
  No, no--just do what I say, and stay calm. 别这样,照我说的做,然后保持冷静
  I need you to empty your purse into the trash bag. 把你钱包里的东西都倒进这个垃圾袋
  I can't believe this is happening just when I saved $2. 我真不敢相信刚省出2块钱就被人抢走了。
  Max, I can't die, and I certainly can't die in this ugly uniform. 麦克斯,我不能死,就算死,也不想死在这丑爆的制服里。
  I mean, it looks good on you. 你穿是很好看啦,但...
  Are you having a heart attack? I'm peeing. 你是不是心脏病发了?我尿尿。
  What do you mean? 什么意思
  I'm really freaked out, and I'm peeing. I can't stop! 我不是吓"屎"了,我是吓"尿"了。我还停不下来了!
  Just stop, stop! Clench it. Okay. No, can't. 快止住,夹紧。好的。办不到。
  Step out from behind the counter. 从柜台后面站出来
  Sorry, sir, I can't. Why? Well, um, I'm peeing. Still? 抱歉,先生,办不到。为什么?因为我在尿尿。还没尿完啊。
  Out of the way, girls. I'll take down this... 姑娘们,让开,让我来收拾这个混...
  Get away from him. 站离他远点
  Miss, you need to get out from behind the counter now before I... Uh, please take her, not me. 小姐,你最好现在就从柜台后面出来,否则我就...你要人质抓她吧,别抓我。
  What's happening? Han, we're being robbed. 发生什么事了?阿憨,人家来抢劫。
  So sorry. Please take everything that is in my manny-pack. 抱歉打扰您抢劫了。我腰包里的东西请您通通拿去吧。
  Would it be possible if I took my prayer beads out? 可以求您让我保留念珠吗
  They've been in my family for hundreds and hundreds of-- 它是我家的传家宝,传了好多好多代了
  I don't think so, homeboy. You're in my house now, bitch. 小混球,想都别想啊。敢在太岁头上动土,狗东西。